Delighted to say that I am now appearing as a duo with the lovely Helen Mulley of “Helen & the Neighbourhood Dogs” – Check out the DATES page to find out when and where.
Delighted to say that I am now appearing as a duo with the lovely Helen Mulley of “Helen & the Neighbourhood Dogs” – Check out the DATES page to find out when and where.
Well, I have finally staggered into the 21st century and am posting 3 of my albums and some singles on the web – the first to come up is “The Men Who Paint Weeds” which is a bit of a dig at politicians – seems a bit apt just at the moment especially!! Please take a look/listen and download if you like it -and then tell all your friends and relations to do likewise. Just follow the links:-
iTunes/Apple Music (UK): https://music.apple.com/gb/album/the-men-who-paint-weeds-single/1522822611
Amazon Music (UK): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Men-Who-Paint-Weeds/dp/B08CM82THC/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Tony+Winn&qid=1594726937&s=dmusic&sr=1-1
iTunes/Apple Music (USA): https://music.apple.com/us/album/the-men-who-paint-weeds/1522822611?i=1522822620
Amazon Music (USA): https://www.amazon.com/Men-Who-Paint-Weeds/dp/B08CM9WJC4/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Tony+Winn&qid=1594726993&s=dmusic&sr=1-1
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/091IdzTKWqwN68nSBhy69O?si=V2UsIgabSauB9CGKUCI4WA
Coming next : Introducing the new album “Push and Pull” to Laxfield on Friday November 9th
Well OK it is 3 years since I posted anything here – I am not great at this media stuff but I do get around to it on the odd occasion – such as now.
This is prompted by the fact that I have a new CD being released on 1st June 2018. “Push and Pull” is an album of 12 songs – some new and a few older ones that somehow never got recorded before. Using the amazingly talented David Booth’s recording studio, he has helped me produce an album that reflects my current style accompanied by Andy Trill on bass and Steven Turnbull on keyboards with David playing drums and various odd bits and pieces (whatever we could find lying around in the studio actually). There are also some lovely singy bits by Helen Mulley, cello from Jonathan Evans, saxophone from Val Haines and some heavily disguised fiddle from Richard Lockwood.
It will be available from various mainstream download sites from June 1st so watch this space for more news or just search for it!
“Tony Winn is a genius and deserves national stardom , such is the level of his versatility ! Just saying ..” John Clarke – Thanks John !!
Apologies to everyone that I have been somewhat tardy in keeping this website up to date. Anyway – much is happening this autumn including a concert at The Headgate Theatre in Colchester on November 15th featuring me with Steven Turnbull on piano and Andy Trill on bass – no bath – just a nice laid back set of the more serious numbers.
The bath has not completely been consigned to the hook on the wall as I will be doing the show again on March 12th 2015 at The Loughton Folk Club for Red Nose Day AND if you want to get some samples I wil be loading up a song from the show each month on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is-nYr_hlDM&feature=share
I am currently directing the Kelvedon Junior’s panto “Aladdin” which goes on in December and have started rehearsals for “Waiting for Godot” in which I play “Lucky” during week of November 3rd/8th
That’s about it for now but I will TRY to be more regular with posts.
Thanks for tuning in!!!
STOP PRESS – Last minute booking – If anyone fancies a night out at the Boxford Fleece on Saturday 6th July – I have been asked to stand in for a cancellation – will be doing mostly the Dylan stuff but not the whole band sadly as that James chap is at the Maverick Festival instead! Hope to have wonderful guitar playing David along to help out ‘though. So that’s 8.30 this Saturday – http://www.boxfordfleece.com/americana-festival—atlantic-crossing-weekend-various-artists-5th6th7th-july.html
Just as I thought I had had my last bath I went and booked a new date at he Headgate Theatre in Colchester. So make a note in your diaries NOW for Friday November 1st ! Doors 8pm entry £10 – BOX OFFICE: http://headgatetheatre.co.uk
I shall probably remind you all later.
Currently in rehearsals with The Priory Players – playing Oberon in A Midsummer Night’s Dream which will be an open air production in Castle Park, Colchester week of 22nd July
This week very proud of Kelvedon Junior players. I directed the senior group in some scenes from The Duchess of Malfi, Richard III and Dr.Faustus – Bit of a challenge for them but they have coped extremely well.
Also very pleased that “Songs from the Blue House” have now managed to raise enough money to release the live album recorded at High Barn in April.
Oh, and the garden’s looking lovely!