What’s happening

Apologies to everyone that I have been somewhat tardy in keeping this website up to date. Anyway – much is happening this autumn including a concert at The Headgate Theatre in Colchester on November 15th featuring me with Steven Turnbull on piano and Andy Trill on bass – no bath – just a nice laid back set of the more serious numbers.

The bath has not completely been consigned to the hook on the wall as I will be doing the show again on March 12th 2015 at The Loughton Folk Club for Red Nose Day AND if you want to get some samples I wil be loading up a song from the show each month on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is-nYr_hlDM&feature=share

I am currently directing the Kelvedon Junior’s panto “Aladdin” which goes on in December and have started rehearsals for “Waiting for Godot” in which I play “Lucky” during week of November 3rd/8th

That’s about it for now but I will TRY to be more regular with posts.
Thanks for tuning in!!!